5 Key Ingredients Of Successful Web Content

Although content has been “king” of the online world for many years, never has it been so important to take the time to create high quality articles that visitors truly want to read. Forget about taking shortcuts: content is the key to a successful online venture, no matter what business you're in. If you want to write content that really conveys the message you need it to, then bear these 5 key ingredients in mind:

1) Easy To Read

When you're writing for the web you must remember that most people skim-read. Your target readers are probably subscribed to dozens of news websites and blogs, which can make it easy for them to get bored and simply move onto the next article on their list.

How do you make web content easier to read? Use short paragraphs, bullet points, numbered lists and subheadings. Not only does this make the article easier to read, it also gives it some structure to make sure that you're staying on point.

2) Informative

Just because certain “gurus” may claim to make money by putting out hundreds of poorly written articles, it doesn't mean you should do the same. Search engines are wising up to keyword stuffing and spun content. What searchers really want is an article that answers their question in a clear, informative and entertaining manner.

3) The Right Length

There are many different “rules” regarding how long your online articles should be, but the truth is that every article is different. Put yourself in the shoes of the person searching for your content: can you answer what they need to know in a mere 100 words? If you can do so successfully then 100 words is long enough! Usually, however, you'll need to a spend a little longer crafting an article that really addresses their query.

4) Natural

It isn't always easy to write naturally when you're taking keywords into account, so stop worrying about it. If you are answering the questions your searchers are asking then the keywords will come into the content naturally. That's not to say that you can't include a few keywords on purpose, but this should be secondary to creating an article that's interesting and informative.

5) Current

Although some articles can be considered “evergreen” in the sense that they'll be just as relevant in years to come, most online content needs updating from time to time. Search engines like Google are placing more and more emphasis on fresh content. Take advantage of this fact by keeping on top of your industry and keeping your readers informed.

Remember: there are no shortcuts to high quality content. However, it's well worth the time it takes to write content that'll compel your reader to take action.

How To Raise Your Freelance Writing Rates Without Scaring Away Clients

Many freelance writers, especially in the beginning, set their rates too low. You probably already know that you want to earn more for each hour of your time, but it can be hard to break the news to your clients – not to mention the fear that comes with the idea of many of them leaving you. Here are four tips to help make raising your rates easier.

1) Give Current Clients Plenty Of Notice

It's never a good idea to send an email, out of the blue, announcing that you're raising your rates right away. Instead, aim to give your clients around a month's notice and send out emails letting them know they can order at the current rate until a set date. This can even work in your favor: try offering a “buy now and save” offer where they can book you in advance at the lower rate.

2) Be Honest

If you're raising your rates by a huge increment, let the client know that you've developed as a writer since you first started working with them. Maybe you were just finding your feet and are now established in the market, or maybe now you have extra skills to bring to the table. Be honest and your clients will appreciate that fact. And remember that you're perfectly entitled to ask for more even without a reason, and you don't need to apologize for it.

3) Know That It's OK If Some Of Your Clients Stop Working With You

The good news is that most clients will understand and want to stick by you when you do raise your rates. There will, however, be a few who can't afford it. Don't worry about it! Remember, even if you're only raising your rates by a couple of cents per word, it still means earning the same amount of money for less work. You can afford to lose a few clients right away: it'll fill up space in your schedule for those that want more writing, or you'll find new clients in time.

4) Have Confidence In Your Abilities

When you write online, it can be easy to think you shouldn't charge too much for your content. Yes, there is huge demand for $0.01 per word articles (or even less!), and many writers do compete at this level. However, it doesn't take much to stand above these cheap writers.

As long as you communicate with your buyer, you let them know upfront when there's going to be a delay, you don't just disappear on them, and you know that you can write, you are more than deserving of a rate that pays you well for the hard work you put into your writing. So if you're stalling over sending that email to your clients: don't! Remember, most will see the value in your work and continue to work with you.

PLR - Private Label Rights - Understanding Your Usage Rights

PLR - private label rights - articles are a fantastic way of getting ready made, affordable content for your website, product and more. However, when buying these articles it's important to understand how you can use them. Different PLR sellers will put different restrictions on their article packs, though these generally fall into a few popular categories. Here's a quick guide to some of the most commonly used licenses for PLR.

Private Label Rights

Although the term “PLR” is commonly used to describe a wide range of content, in its strictest sense, private label rights means that you have the right to change the content, add your name as the author, and resell it for profit. However, there are limitations. Although different sellers may have different requirements, you'll almost always find that you cannot sell on PLR rights to other customers.

Unrestricted Private Label Rights

This is the type of private label rights product that you CAN sell on to others, and they generally cost more. As the name suggests, it really is unrestricted, meaning you can do everything you'd do with standard PLR rights, as well as passing those rights onto your customers either by selling the articles or giving them away (it may depend on the individual terms set by the PLR seller).

Resale Rights

On top of getting private label rights for your PLR, you can also buy products with resale rights. What this means is that you CAN sell on the product for profit, but you cannot edit the content, change things around and claim authorship yourself. And you cannot pass on these rights to the people you sell it to.

Some sellers may give you master resale rights to the product, in which case you CAN pass on the resale rights to the people you sell the product onto!

How Do You Know What You're Buying?

There is a lot of different terminology up there, and it can get confusing when you're shopping for content and PLR! Private label rights sellers will usually do their best to help you by putting together license files. These will usually stipulate exactly what can and cannot be done with the content.

All kinds of usage rights have a number of different benefits. If you're looking for content to create informational products or to fill up your website, then you'll find that standard PLR - private label rights - usually fits the bill. And remember, if in doubt about how you can use the content, contact the author of the content and they'll be happy to tell you what your rights are. This helps you to avoid any tricky gray areas regarding copyright!

Content Is The Key To Growing Your Email List

When it comes to making your fortune on the internet, you'll hear time and time again that building your list should be one of your main priorities. It basically means you'll have a collection of names and email addresses of people who are guaranteed to be interested in what you have to offer.

The main problem with building a list is encouraging people to sign up. A few years ago it may have been easy to get people to hand over their email address in the promise of getting regular updates, but not so anymore. Nowadays you'll need to give them an extra reason to subscribe - especially when they're already subscribed to so many other marketers.

Some incentives to join an email list could include:
* Free reports on various subjects,
* Exclusive member discount codes to products or services,
* Being the first to find out about your latest launches,
* Free PLR products,
* eBooks,
* Or an eCourse (delivered in parts every few days via email) that teaches something valuable.

The Benefits Of Using Follow Up Emails

Although most marketers will choose to give something away in the first email as an immediate gift (usually a short report), they'll often schedule a sequence of email messages to automatically build up a relationship with their new subscriber.

When this comes in the form of an eCourse, this could mean sending out a new "lesson" every other day. The first few lessons will be pure content - teaching new skills, giving out free resource links and so on. Once enough of these lessons have been sent to build up a connection, the list will include affiliate links or product promotions every few emails.

Your eCourse could be something like "how to build a blog in 7 days" or "how to cure x without drugs". It is free information, and it offers something of genuine value.

At the same time, your eCourse is scheduled in advance and will start sending, in sequence, whether you get a new subscriber today or a year in the future. It means "hands-off" selling that allows you to take the time to focus on building new material.

Where Does PLR Come In?

Many people decide against PLR for their blog content because it's not "unique" in the eyes of the search engines. But with an email list you don't have that problem: the content is sent out through email, which the search engines have nothing to do with.

This is why it's perfectly acceptable to use autoresponder PLR for your eCourse, as long as you know it does provide that value, and that it can build trust with your readers. Just edit it to include your own links, personalize it a little and you can start building your list today!

Membership Site Software: Why Use It?

There are many benefits to running an ongoing membership site, but when it comes to choosing how you're going to run it, membership site software can make things even easier and even more profitable! Here's a quick guide as to why you should consider using it.

1) Add Content Easily: A number of membership site models are based on adding or updating content, and membership site software makes this task far easier. Rather than dealing with individual clients, and attempting to supply updated information by e-mail or other methods, you can simply add the new content to your membership site and all paid-up members will receive it. Not only will this save you time, it's also far more secure than sharing files via email.

2) Easily Manage Payments: Managing the payments side of your membership site is another key benefit. Normally when you have to deal with collecting payments from multiple clients, and at different times throughout the month, it's hard to know who has paid their monthly fee and who hasn't. When using one of the many membership site payment options it is easy to manage this automatically.

3) Build A Community Within Your Membership: One very good reason to use membership site software is the option to include a forum within your membership. Quite a few membership sites maintain their monthly membership fees largely due to the participants' reluctance to leave the forum. This is especially true if you take an active role within the forum yourself. You can, of course, hire someone else to manage the forum: this can be a useful option if you are planning to run multiple membership sites at once.

4) It's Easy: The main reason why people choose to launch their membership with membership site software is because it's so easy. All you need is good content and a good idea and you can set it up with little to no technical experience, and just a small amount of cash to pay for the software (sometimes it's a one-time fee, sometimes it means an ongoing monthly cost).

How To Achieve Your Goals

There is, unfortunately, no set formula for knowing how to achieve your goals. Goals are funny things: although they are generally there to help make our lives better, they can soon become overwhelming and things we come to dread. This is why it's important to think carefully about the goals you set and the way you go about achieving them. Here are 5 steps to increase your chances of success.

1) Make Them Realistic - When you set goals, they have to be realistic. To help make sure that they are, make goals that are actionable and measurable. For example, instead of saying you will lose weight this year, tell yourself that you will lose x pounds by March, by walking to work every single day. This kind of goal is specific enough to achieve, and is the first step in knowing how to achieve your goals.

2) Make A Plan - Once you know what your goals are, you need a plan to make them happen. The last point touched on this fact: if you can make a solid plan for a goal then you know it's a realistic one. This may mean breaking down goals into smaller steps you can take every day or every week. For example, if you want to de-clutter, you might target one area of your home a week. This will help to prevent overwhelm.

3) Set A Deadline - If your goal has no deadline then you'll just keep putting it off. If you want to know how to achieve your goals, you're going to have to set a date by which you want to meet all of them. We all know things may eventually change, but setting a date in the first place is the best way to make sure you put in some real effort.

4) Take Action - Although it sounds obvious, a goal will never become a reality unless you take action. So many of us make goals every January only to forget them a few weeks later. Don't let this happen to you! Start working on your goals immediately, even if you're only taking small steps to make them happen.

5) Keep Track - Now you've started taking action, it's important to keep track of how you're doing. Keep yourself accountable by taking an honest look at how you're doing to meet your broken-down steps, and change the way you do things if you think it'll help. Realize that everyone does slip up from time to time! But measuring your progress can help you to keep going.

Knowing how to achieve your goals is one thing, but it's up to you to put things into action. Make this your year!

An Introduction To Google Plus Pages For Businesses And Brands

Since Google first launched their social networking site Google Plus, millions of people have joined the website. Some potential members weren't welcome, however: businesses and brands. Thankfully this has all changed with the launch of Google Plus Pages. But how do they work and what makes them stand out from a regular Google Plus profile?

How To Create Your Google Plus Page

Creating a Google Plus page is simple. To start, visit the Google Plus business page at http://www.google.com/+/business/ and select the type of page you want to create from the following categories:
* Local business or place,
* Product or brand,
* Company, institution or organization,
* Arts, entertainment or sports,
* Other.

Depending on the category you select, you'll need to enter some more information such as your business phone number, website URL and the name of your page. Once you've done so you can upload a photo, edit your “about” page and start promoting your Google Plus Page.

The Difference Between Google Plus Pages And Personal Profiles

As you can see, the setup process is extremely simple, and Google Plus Pages come with the same clean layout as a personal Google Plus profile. You can use your page in the same way, too: post updates to your page, share links on your about page, upload photos and showcase your videos. Google Plus Pages also carry a visible +1 button to help their fans and customers show public support.

There are a few key differences, however. With a personal account, you can circle anyone you want, regardless of whether they circle you first. On Pages, however, you can only circle those who have already circled your account. As with personal profiles, only those who circle your Page will receive updates (even if you don't circle them back).

There are a few ways to get people to circle your new Google Plus Page:

1) Share your page with all your followers by posting the link on your Google Plus personal profile (if you have one).
2) Add a Google Plus page badge to your website (grab the badge code from the Google Plus Pages dashboard after you've created your page).
3) Share the link with your customers in emails, Tweet it, share it on Facebook or on forums.

Is It Worth Bothering With Google Plus Pages?

Google Plus Pages are still extremely new and are lacking a lot of features you may be used to on sites like Facebook. Only time will tell whether these Pages can have the same impact that Facebook Pages have, and whether your niche market will be interested in joining Google Plus at all.

The good news, however, is that Pages are extremely quick to create. Because of the simple features, you can create a pleasing Page in five minutes. It's up to you to decide whether the ongoing upkeep is worth it.

Fast Article Writing: Tips For Getting Your Content Ready Under A Deadline

Although we'd all love to spend hours crafting each piece of content we write, the truth is that some of us work better under a deadline. If you need to get content written quickly then here are a few useful tips that won't leave you sacrificing quality.

Always Outline Your Articles Beforehand

If you find it hard to get those articles written, an outline breaks it up into manageable chunks and makes sure that you get it done with minimal effort.

How to write an effective article outline:
* Write out around 2-4 subheadings for points you want to include in your article,
* Without thinking too much, make short notes under each subheading about what you could include,
* You might want to note down any helpful websites that you found in your research,
* Leave space for your introduction and conclusion, and perhaps write them at this stage if you’re confident about what the message of your article will be.

If you’re writing an article of around 500 words, each subheading would only need to be around 165 words long to reach that limit. Doesn’t breaking it down like that make it seem a lot easier?!

Writing the Article

Now it’s time to actually write the article. This should be easy, now that you have an outline! It could take as little as 15 minutes, especially after you have a bit of practice. That said, it's always good to have a few other tricks up your sleeve to make your writing as fast as possible:

1) Set A Timer: Set a timer and just write until that timer ends. For example, say you have thirty minutes free before you have to go out. That thirty minutes is perfect for writing your article! And it isn’t daunting at all. After all, anyone can focus for just thirty minutes. Think how much better you’ll feel after that thirty minutes is up.

The chances are that if you can just get yourself to sit down and work solidly for that thirty minutes, you’ll get the article completed without any problems at all. If not, just use another slot of time to write solidly, and you’ll get it done.

2) Just Write: Some of us find it hard to type fast simply because we want to keep going back and editing what we’ve written. Try not to edit as you go along. With practice, you’ll learn to ignore the inner editor and just get it done. You can go back and edit once you’ve got the writing out of the way. Just typing quickly should help stop the temptation to go back and keep editing everything and wasting time as you go along.

3) Use Voice Recognition Software: If you're not a fast typer then consider purchasing software that turns voice into text. There will be a learning curve with this, just like typing, but many people claim that it’s the perfect way to get articles written quickly. Take a look at Dragon Naturally Speaking for more information.

The tricks above are excellent ways to improve your writing speed. Ultimately, though, it all comes down to practice. The more you can get into good habits, the faster you can learn to type without editing, the quicker you'll become at creating high quality content.

6 Ways To Come Up With Post Ideas When You're Facing Bloggers Block

We all experience bloggers block from time to time, but don't let it stop you from giving your subscribers the content they've been waiting for. There's nothing worse than a blogger who fails to post! Here are 6 ideas that'll help you come up with blog posts worth reading.

1) Use Your Daily Life As Inspiration

You might not be writing a personal blog, but that doesn't mean you can't bring personal experience into the posts you write. If you can relate personal experience to the topics you write about, then do so. Sometimes you have to get creative, but your blog posts will be more interesting as a result!

2) Google It!

Why not Google the main topic of your blog and see what appears? You don't want to copy any other blogs, of course, but one idea will often lead to another. Have a read around blogs in your niche – maybe even blogs outside of your niche – and see what they're writing about. Either use this as inspiration for your own topics or write a direct response to what's already out there.

3) Check Your Analytics

Checking your stats can leave you with a whole range of blog post ideas. Take a look at the keywords people are typing in to find your site. Chances are that some of the things they're searching for aren't on your blog yet. Why not use these keywords as ideas for future blog posts? You'll also have the added benefit of knowing there's a future audience for those posts!

4) Test Something And Post Your Results

If you're really stuck for ideas, why not give yourself a challenge and post the results? For example, in the personal development niche this could mean making a gratitude list each day and writing about the effects. Or you could try a new fitness program and write about how you're dealing with it. In most cases, readers in any niche love to read real life case studies!

5) Use Videos

Why not get surfing YouTube and see if there's an interesting video you can share with your subscribers? Embed the video into a post where you give your own personal comments. This is a super-fast way to come up with content that's still interesting.

6) Invite Readers To Ask Questions

What better way of coming up with content that your readers will enjoy than to invite them to ask questions? Write up a quick post one day asking them what they want to know, then post a follow up a few days later with all the answers. This last method is also an excellent way to connect with your audience.

Article Marketing Research Tips For When You're Short On Ideas

Articles are crucial if you're building a business on the web. Not only can they help fill up your sites with content your readers will want, they can also be submitted to a variety of directories to help promote your website. But some people find it hard to write articles simply because they can’t come up with the ideas in the first place!

The good news is that, as long as you’re writing to fill a need in your target market, there are loads of ideas just waiting to be discovered. And, by finding out exactly what your customers are looking for, your articles will be all the more successful.

Here are some article marketing research tips to get you started...

* Yahoo Answers: I highly recommend you take a look at Yahoo Answers. Start searching for certain terms related to your website, and you’ll find people asking all kinds of questions. Why not answer some of these questions in your article?

* Keyword Research: You could also visit the Google Keyword Research tool to find some keywords related to your niche. Keep browsing through related phrases until you find something that gets a good few hundred searches to write about.

* Research the Competition: You can even take a look at what articles your competitors are writing about on Ezine Articles. You might notice something they left out, and take this as your opportunity to fill the gaps and target hungry customers.

* Read: Reading from other sources can help you come up with more ideas than you would have expected. Read the newspaper and you’ll probably have lots of ideas already, or browse a few blogs etc. to find more.

* Write What You Know: Lastly, you always have knowledge of a subject that you can pass on to others. Think of a title such as ‘Top 10 Ways to Write Articles’ and you’ll find you know more than you thought as you brainstorm. Even better, internet readers love these kind of articles!

* Google Alerts: If you regularly write articles around a similar topic, I’d also recommend that you subscribe to alerts on a service such as Google Reader or Google News. That way, you’ll never be short of new sources to find inspiration from!

When you are noting down what you’ve found, please realize that you’re not going to be copying from any of these sources, or even simply rewriting them, in your article. Rather you should be noting down broad points, tips, pieces of information, that you can then use to outline your article.

Make sure you use a few different sources to keep your article interesting, and to ensure that you get a balanced view of the topic you're writing about.

These article marketing research ideas may sound simple, but when you're short on ideas, simply going through this list can give you more article topics than you need!

A Simple Backup Strategy For Laptop Computers

No matter whether you travel with your laptop or not, a successful backup strategy means having your files backed up in more than one place. You'll probably start with an external hard drive stored in your home, maybe a drive that you carry around with you, and then back up to the cloud in addition to these areas. This ensures that, no matter what the situation, at least one of your backups will survive.

External Hard Drive

The first part of your backup strategy should be an external hard drive. Make sure it's as big (though preferably larger) as your laptop's hard drive, and transfer everything from your computer to the external drive regularly. To make things easier, install an application that'll regularly update your backup whenever you modify or create new files.

Put your external hard drive in an easy-to-reach location so that you remember to connect it to your laptop whenever you're at home. If not, you might forget to back it up for a couple of weeks and lose that all-important document you'd been working on for months! You may even want to buy a second external hard drive and store it in a different location to be extra safe.

Online Backup Services

There are a huge range of online backup services available to choose from, starting at about $10 per month. For extra security in your backup strategy, you may even want to sign up to more than one service. All services work differently, but most allow you to download a program to your PC or Mac that'll automatically check for new or modified files within the folders you specify. Once they're up and running, these backup tools really are “set and forget”!

Make sure to test any online backup service regularly. Even if you have no need to yet, you need to make sure it's easy to recover your files to your computer. This will check both the recovery process of the service you're signed up to, as well as the fact that the backup has actually worked!

There are a few drawbacks of online backup services, most notably the fact that they can use a lot of bandwidth to upload all of your files to their services. The initial backup can also take quite a few weeks to complete (depending on your hard drive size) and the software may use a significant chunk of processing power while it completes. Until you're sure everything's backed up online, make sure you have an alternative backup strategy in place, too.

Building Your Business On Just 15 Minutes A Day

I think we're all guilty of overestimating what we can get done in one day, and the number of projects we can work on at any given time. Writing a book in a week sounds fine, for example, until you realize that you've got a million other projects on the go at the same time! On the flip side, some projects can look so huge that you just never get started. You keep putting it off and putting it off until you decide you're just never going to get around to it.

There is one way to feel like you're making progress even when you don't have much time to work on a project: by dedicating just 15 minutes a day to doing something that'll take you closer to your goals.

This is enough time to actually see some progress each day, but not too much time that you won't be able to fit it into your already busy schedule. You may be thinking that projects will take too long to complete if you only give them 15 minutes per day, but they'll take even longer if you never start! That 15 minute block is a way to motivate yourself, to keep you working consistently, and to help build momentum until you see something through to the end.

How To Make Sure Those 15 Minutes Are Productive

The best way to make sure you get the absolute most done in those 15 minutes is to know what you're doing. If you're writing a book or report, make sure you write an outline so that you can dig into any section whenever you have time. If not, spend one of your 15 minute chunks of time breaking down any project into smaller, more workable chunks. It may not seem like it, but this really works to make things easier on you, so don't skip it!

It also helps to get into a routine: if you have 15 free minutes in the mornings, set this time aside for your new projects. Or, if you're the kind of person who constantly seems to be on the move, keep a notebook/ smartphone/ eReader etc. on you so you can work on your project whenever you get a chance: at the doctor's office, while waiting for a friend, sitting in a taxi and so on.

It also helps to let someone else know your goals. A partner or friend can help to keep you accountable, or you could even post daily updates on a blog and get others to join in. Whatever works for you!

Does It Really Work?

When do you feel the happiest and most successful: when you've been thinking about doing something for a while but are trying to get the motivation to actually start, or when you stop thinking and start doing? Even if you're not doing much, you know you're doing something. That should be enough for you to stop beating yourself up and to start feeling proud that you're taking action on your goals.

Remember – every single person can find 15 free minutes in their day. There are no more excuses!

5 Good Ways To Make Money From Your Blog

Despite the doubts that many people have about making money online, there really are a number of good ways to make money from a blog - as long as you choose one that suits your subject. Here are five quick ideas to get you started.

1) Pay Per Click Ads

A number of bloggers searching for good ways to make money start out by including pay per click ads on their website. These are contextual ads that show links and short descriptions of advertisers' websites, matched up to the content of your own site for greater results. You'll earn a small amount of money for every click.

2) Sell Advertisements

This can be a fantastic way to make money from your blog, however it does take time to get your blog up to a level that will attract advertisers. You can't expect to sell ad spots for much money until you build up a good subscriber base and traffic numbers. Once you do, you can sell direct text links, banner ads, mentions within your newsletter and more. Just be sure to choose your advertisers carefully to avoid aggravating your readers. Note - if you don't yet have the subscriber numbers to sell ad spots, consider signing up to paid or sponsored blogging programs such as PayPerPost.

3) Affiliate Programs

There will be an affiliate program for just about any topic around. For example, if you're blogging about how to get organized and de-clutter the home, then you may promote links to places where people can buy storage boxes, organization books and so on. You can usually find an affiliate program for any kind of physical product, though you can promote digital products too - such as eBooks, audiobooks, podcasts and more.

4) Promote A Business

More and more companies and individuals are now setting up blogs to promote their own businesses. For example, if you're a freelance copywriter you may choose to blog about ways in which businesses can improve their ad campaigns. You'll soon start attracting the kind of readers who may be interested in buying your services, while building your brand as an expert copywriter at the same time!

5) Sell It!

Selling your blog definitely isn't a way to make ongoing money from your blog, but there are times when this becomes the best option. Perhaps you are really desperate for the cash, or you've just lost interest in the subject matter. If that's the case then selling it could earn you a nice chunk of cash - especially if the blog is already earning money, gets good traffic and has a number of loyal followers.

You may find that you have to experiment with these five good ways to make money from your blog - what works for one may not work for another. It all takes time, but if you steadily work on building traffic and readers, your earnings should follow.

Webroot Internet Security Review

Webroot is an Internet security company that provides a variety of services for their customers and clients. They have been providing services since 1997, but they only got into the Internet security business in 2002 with a spyware blocking and removal product called Webroot Spy Sweeper. At present, they have expanded into the mobile and PC security technologies. This review is about their SecureAnywhere Complete 2012 package that lets you secure your system from anywhere. It acts as an online portal that lets you manage your PC and mobile security, file backups and passwords. 


Security for PCs and laptops — blocks spyware, rootkits, viruses. Can scan your PC in about 2 minutes. Heuristic scanning to stop as-yet-unknown threats. Constant updating, blocking harmful websites before you connect, blocks malware from changing settings, firewall and network connection monitor. 

In addition to the above, SecureAnywhere Complete also contains identity protection features to remove online activity, deleted files can be recovered, encrypts user names, passwords and credit card numbers as well as creates hacker-proof passwords for you. 

Other features that are included in the software are related to personal file protection and protection for syncing with your mobile devices. 

Mobile phone and tablet security — Webroot software also provides protection for your Android devices as well as for your iOS mobile and Tablet devices. Harmful malware, websites and personal information thieves don’t stand a chance. The same security is available for all your tablet devices. 

Friends and family protection — lets you set up a unique online portal where you can manage your friends and family’s security settings. Ideal if you are the “tech head” in your clan! 

SecureAnywhere technology — this is an online portal that lets you manage your PC and mobile security through a browser no matter where you are. Provides file backups and passwords as well. 


The pricing of SecureAnywhere depends on the length of the service you want. Initially there is a free trial, but if you like the software you can choose to get a 3PC license for 1 year for $79.95. You can also get a 5 PC license for $119.95 and discounts for signing up for more than a year. 


The biggest positive advantage of SecureAnywhere Complete is that the scans take just a few minutes to complete, as opposed to the hours of torture that many other programs can put  you through going through your files one by one. At the same time, while the software is scanning through your computer, you won’t get slowed down and can continue working in peace. 


The main cons with the program are that the minimum license is only for 3 users. If you would like it for only one PC then you have no option for that. Additionally, SecureAnywhere Complete does not come with a dedicated ad blocker, which some users have found to be a disadvantage.

SingleHop Dedicated Server Review

SingleHop offers a dedicated server service and has been in the industry for only 2 years, but since then they have made significant headway and offer a variety of different types of features and services. Apart from dedicated hosting they also offer private clouds, public clouds, hybrid infrastructures and crowdsourcing. 


The biggest advantage of SingleHop’s dedicate server hosting plan is simply that you get the entire server to your business. There are significant advantages to getting your hosting this way, as it tends to be more flexible and give you more control over the server (such as the operating system, hardware and so on). Server administration can also be provided as an addon service and this can be a great choice for your business if you are looking for a bigger return on investment. 

SingleHop will allow you to customize and pick a server according to your needs. A huge range of dedicated servers are possible, including but not limited to: 

- Xeon Nehalem E5645
- Core i7 870
- Xeon Harpertown L5410
- Core2Quad Q9650
- Intel i5 760
- Xeon Core2Quad X3330
- Xeon Lynnfield X3430
- Intel i3 540
- Core i3 540
- Xeon E3-1230
- Atom 330 

Apart from the above list of dedicated servers, SingleHop can also deploy managed servers and dynamic servers, depending entirely on your needs and purposes. 

Further, apart from the server processor types above, they can also offer RAM from 2GB to 16GB, depending on your processor type. Additionally, you can also get 250GB, 500GB, 750GB and 1TB hard disk drives and you can choose between 10TB and 100 Mbps Unmetered bandwidth. 

You will also have the choice of enabling or disabling private networking and a variety of options exist for RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5,  RAID 10 or No RAID. 

SingleHop also has a special offer in case you are looking for a server that is a little smaller. Their SingleHop Public Cloud is ready in less than 15 minutes and can support Windows and numerous Linux server types. 


The pricing for SingleHop’s services varies greatly. They range from as low as $50/month for the Public Cloud, to $99/month for the Atom 330, $182/month for a Core2Duo E8440, $219/month for an Intel i5 760 and $389/month for a Xeon Nehalem E5645. The price changes depending on how much hardware you need, with RAM, HDD size, bandwidth and RAID options varying the price. 

Additionally, your choice of server can also affect the price. There are special savings of up to $240 over six months if you use the Microsoft Windows Server and Webmatrix service. 


SingleHop has an A rating on the Better Business Bureau website. In its entire history it has had a total of 6 complaints on the BBB website and none of those resulted in any actions against them, so this says a lot about their excellent customer service. 

SingleHop is also famous for its extreme customizability, because you can basically set up your server any which way you like, fully automated from over the Internet. Plus, how can you complain about 100% uptime guarantee?


Customer support isn't available 24/7 for sales, but luckily it is for technical support if anything were to go wrong. Generally speaking, the servers cost more than most other dedicated server solutions. On the other hand they have more features and even the lower-end ones come with relatively high specifications.

Shopify Review

Shopify has been around since 2004 and is now home to over 20,000 Internet shops. Businesses can commission Shopify’s services in order to set up some sort of a shop on their website, that includes features such as shopping carts, product descriptions, secure transactions and more recently, app stores, theme stores and advanced one on one support. 


Shopify is most well-known for its easy to use system and interface that allows you to manage basic sales. It does not have advanced features that tend to improve sales (such as wish lists and recommended products), but because of its basic simplicity it is very easy to integrate into many websites. Unlike many other online content management systems, Shopify uses an intuitive drag and drop interface which makes it easy to use for the person who just wants to get their products up as fast as possible for their clients. 

Your very own storefront — Shopify will allow you to set up your own storefront using free and premium themes from their Theme Store. You can additionally edit them with HTML and CSS if you need to or just design them from scratch. 

Easy to manage store — Add new products, accept payments, optional site hosting with SSL. 

Over 50 payment gateways — This means that you will be able to receive payments from all of your customers online no matter where they are coming from, including PayPal and most major credit cards. 

Other features — Dedicated support by email tickets or phone, iPhone app for running your store on the road, Shopify Analytics, edit your content, manage your orders and create coupons, promotions and discounts. 

Shopify comes with a free 30-day trial. While you may be tempted to do this, if your business does take off then you may as well stay with them. The pricing is very competitive and can offer a lot of advantages.  All of the packages come with free setup and unlimited bandwidth. 

Basic — $26/month; 2% transaction fee, 100 SKUs, 1GB storage.

Professional — $54/month; 1% transaction fee, 2,500 SKUs, 5GB storage.

Business — $90/month; 1% transaction fee, 10,000 SKUs, 10GB storage.

Unlimited — $160/month; 0% transaction fee, unlimited SKUs, unlimited storage.

All accounts also come with $100 Google AdWords credit and $100 Amazon Ad credit.


Shopify is a great system for beginners, but even if you are a professional at websites then you might pick this if you just want a simple system to administrate. On the other hand, if you do have your own experience setting up websites, or you hire a professional developer it is possible to integrate more complex, but useful features such as wish lists and recommended product lists that will allow your registered users to interact with each other more and suggest items to each other. Highly secure as well, Shopify will protect your clients and your business from fraud. 


If you are a very small business then the fees and the commission might be too much. The other problem could be that you may lose sales as people will tend to browse other Shopify websites as well and potentially buy from your competitors. If this is a problem for you then you might like to consider a specially built webshop on your own domain.

oDesk Review

oDesk is a global freelancing site that helps providers connect with buyers in a range of industries. It is one of the first such companies and competes with services such as Elance. It was founded in 2003 and has been providing contact between businesses ever since. The website is proprietary and manages the teams that the buyer sets up and coordinates payment and work. This allows people to collaborate across International borders and withdraw their money with a service such as PayPal or a bank account. The payment and transaction part of the collaboration is largely automated, with relevant fees being deducted where necessary. The work part of the website is not automated and depends on the time spent by the person hired to work. 


There is an excellent system in place for hirers to post a job or, if they so choose, search for someone to do it. Fill out a well-rounded description, the kind of contractor you need, etc. It can be public or private — public gives you access to thousands of bidders and private is if you already know who you want to hire and are going to send them a link to your job directly. 

Interviews - You can choose to hire a person based on a variety of “interviews” conducted through messaging, phone, IM, email or webcam, whichever is most comfortable for you. 

Find someone to do virtually anything - A wide variety of fields and subjects to choose workers from — coders, writers, designers, virtual assistants, marketers and a whole host of other professions. 

Rating system - Find out how good the contractors are by looking at their job history and ratings. Everything is completely transparent. Generally speaking, the higher the rating, the more you’re going to have to pay

Track hours worked - You're always able to tell exactly how many hours a contractor has worked on your projects as well, as the system automatically logs hours and creates screenshots based on what they are doing. These are uploaded for you to view and be able to see exactly if they were getting the job done right.

Budget-friendly - You can even limit a contractor’s hours by setting a weekly limit. This way you won’t spend more money than you’re looking to for a specific project.


oDesk pricing is unique in that it costs nothing to sign up. The employer pays nothing for the job apart from the fee that they agree on in advance or the hours worked. 

The contractor is billed 10% of their payment as a fee for oDesk, but they also do not pay to sign up either.

There is no registration, membership fee, job posting fee, application fee or interview fees. 

You can pay your contractors with a variety of ways, including all major credit cards, PayPal and under some conditions by check. The fee is charged automatically through an escrow system so there are no disputes. 


One of the best features about oDesk from the point of view of a buyer is that there are absolutely no fees to pay except for the fee that they pay to their provider. It’s completely free to start up and you will be able to get great service as soon as you start. 


Many providers find the feature that views their work in real time and takes screenshots to be a bit of a violation of privacy. Contractors of course don’t like the 10% fee charged, but being that it can bring in a large amount of business, the cost ends up being marginal. Other than that, it’s a great network that makes life easier for both workers and hirers.

MyPC Backup Review

MyPC Backup is a cloud computing service that will let you back up your entire PC into a secure area. The software uses a small desktop application that lets you backup all your computers to the cloud. The files are constantly backed up in real time and you will be able to access them at any time from any device in the world. 

You can select just the files and folders that you want to backup, it does not back everything into the cloud. This is useful if you are collaborating with others on a project or if there are still certain files that you need to keep away from others and only on your computer. MyPC Backup runs perfectly in the background without you having to do anything. 

Any device that you can use to access the Internet can then be used to retrieve your data — whether it’s a PC, a phone or a tablet device is irrelevant. 


Completely free cloud backup, which is 100% encrypted and secure. You will be able to share files and folders and there is unlimited storage space. You can invite people through email, Facebook, Twitter, or by giving them a custom link. 

Fully automated process works on Windows XP, Vista and 7. Mobile access and multiple computer syncing also provided, as well as file versioning. Online control panel allows you to access your backed up and synced devices anywhere in the world. 

If you need help, there is 24/7 support available from the developers. 


Every plan has the same basic features, the only difference is that you are charged a lower fee if you sign up for a longer service.

The features that are uniform across all pricing are: 

- unlimited online storage
- 100% automated backup
- 24/7 technical support
- 30 day money back guarantee
- file versioning
- sync multiple computers 

The three payment plans are: 

- $9.95/month — monthly
- $6.95/month — 6 months
- $5.95/month — 1 year 


The best feature of this product is obviously that it is so cheap. While other services such as Dropbox will allow you free access, your limit can very quickly be filled up to maximum and then you will have to pay for a service that is often costly. But MyPC Backup is relatively cheap, especially if you like it a lot and sign up for the annual service. 

You can also try it out for 14 days to see if you really like it. If not, no problem, just delete MyPC Backup and find something else. 


There is no Mac or Linux version at the moment and it is unsure whether there will ever be one. It also lacks a scheduler that has more detailed options — the only two choices you have are daily and hourly backups. Additionally, there is an extra charge for hourly backups too which is not mentioned in their pricing plans. 
While MyPC Backup is a simple and easy to use backup solution, it should only be used if you want to focus on other aspects of your business and leave this running in the background to be updated once a day.

iContact Review

iContact is a social media marketing and email software developer that helps businesses in engaging, educating and retaining customers. In plain English, it means they deliver marketing solutions for you in a variety of extremely effective ways. 


Message builder — With this comprehensive toolbar, you will be able to add images, change margins and save your brand’s colors in just a few clicks. The message builder also contains drag and drop blocks, so you never have to worry about coding again. What you see is what you get. With the hundreds of professional templates, you can customize your emails to fit your industry, niche, or target market.

MessageCoder — HTML and design views so that you will be able to see how your HTML becomes a message to truly impress your clients. Message previews to make sure that you can see the messages you design as  you code them. Tables are so simple to create as well, unlike many other systems that always have issues with this feature. 

Easy to Use — Literally HUNDREDS of templates that are fully customizable. It’s very easy to modify a template that you really like to fit with your business identity and branding and add your own images and colors, as well as your text. 

Emails delivered every time — The company employs a dedicated email team that makes sure that the servers are monitored around the clock to make sure that your hard work reaches its target. SpamCheck feature will rate your message and advise you if it is likely to be marked up as spam. iContact also works in the background to stay whitelisted with all the major ISPs around the world so you do not end up on their blacklists. 


There are three tiers of pricing available and it depends on the amount of subscribers you have. If you have up to 500 subscribers, you pay $14/month. 2,500 subscribers costs $29/month and 5,000 subscribers, $47/month. The more subscribers you have, the more you pay – simple. 

There are also services for much larger senders, such as dedicated account services, agency accounts and strategic services. You will need to contact the company separately for pricing on this. 


iContact is one of the most affordable services among the list of hosted auto responder services. Additionally, it’s extremely easy to use and works great as an email marketing service. It is mainly designed for those people that just want to get their message out there fast and have hundreds of templates to choose from that need minimal modification for their branding. 

Email tracking and analytics feature as well, which will give you a good way of analyzing how your readers are using your material so that you can make modifications in your marketing strategy. 

You can integrate iContact with blogs, RSS feeds and other websites. You also have a 5MB image library that you can store and use anywhere in your emails so if you are writing your newsletter on the road then it will still look as great as you designed it. 


iContact, compared to some other solutions such as AWeber which comes at a higher cost, has several fewer options and features. Not many, though! It still offers more than enough for beginner and intermediate email marketers. For advanced users, however, or those seeking the highest-end email tracking, this may not be the best option for you.

HostGator Reseller Hosting Review

HostGator has been offering web hosting services since 2002 to many businesses all over the world. Not only do they offer hosting services to individual companies, but they also allow any of their companies to resell their hosting as well. This can be a highly convenient option for web developers, web designers and SEO creators, as they will be able to not only design and upload a website for their non-technical clients, but then on top of it they will be able to continue to retain control of the maintenance of the site. 


HostGator has a variety of great features in their hosting services and they are divided into a variety of pricing tiers depending on the level of hosting you need. While the basic space allowed per type of account varies, the number of domains are unlimited all across the board. The only difference is the price. 

Aluminum — the basic offer that gives you 50GB of server space and a monthly bandwidth of 500GB. 
Copper — 80GB space; 700 GB bandwidth 
Silver —  120GB space; 1000 GB bandwidth 
Gold — 160 GB space; 1200 GB bandwidth 
Diamond — 200 GB space; 1400 GB bandwidth 

The bonuses that come with reseller accounts are the same across the board:

- unlimited domains
- unlimited sub domains
- unlimited email accounts
- unlimited MySQL databases
- unlimited FTP accounts
- free site builder software
- private name servers
- free billing systems
- free domain reseller account
- 4,500 free website templates in 22 languages 

Whether you need to maintain just a few websites or even if you wish to start your own web hosting company, it will be possible to do this with HostGator’s reseller services. You will get all the tools and support you need that will allow your business to get up and running just just a few minutes. 

In addition, the offer also comes with a free copy of The Web Hosting Book. 


The pricing for HostGator reseller accounts varies depending on the package chosen. 

The basic price for the aluminum package is $19.96 for the first month and then $24.95 for each month thereafter. 

The copper package costs $27.96 in the first month and then $34.95 every month thereafter. 

The silver package costs $39.96 for the first month and $49.95 each month thereafter. 

The gold package is $59.96 initially then $74.95 thereafter. 

The diamond package is $79.96 initially and then $99.95 thereafter. 


The main pros of HostGator are that their customer service is one of the greatest off all the hosting available. Additionally, you can contact them at any time, 24/7, 365 days a year. 

The uptime on HostGator is incredible. Their sites are hosted on the latest Dual Xeon servers located in their data centers in Dallas. They are additionally connected to 10 different backbone providers. 


There really are not many. The only thing that can be said against them is that their pricing is a little bit more expensive than other providers, but this is made up for by the fact of HostGator’s incredible service and uptime.

GoDaddy Shared Hosting Review

GoDaddy was founded in 1997 and has been providing Internet shared hosting ever since. It is also an Internet domain registrar as well as a web hosting company and sells a number of additional other e-business related services and software. As recently as 2010, it reached more than 45 million domain names under its management. It is currently the largest ICANN recognized Internet registrar in the world. 


GoDaddy has a huge range of features available for Linux and Windows servers. These are the following features that you can get form their hosting service: 


10GB to unlimited disk space for email storage
100 to 1000 email addresses
Forwarding/Autoresponders/Catch-All Email addresses
Fraud/Virus/Spam Protection
Sender ID
Email privacy and protection (military grade 256-bit encryption) 


MySQL storage between 10GB to unlimited
Backup/restore database; direct database access 


DNS management
External domains
Multiple websites

Other features 

50 concurrent FTP users
Unlimited monthly data transfer
Disk space starting at 10GB to unlimited
SSH Access
FTP over SSL
Premium DNS
SSL Certificate
Cron Jobs
Google AdWords Credits
Photo Gallery

Language support 

Frontpage Server Ext.
Custom PHP.ini
Ruby on Rails 

As you can see, the feature list is truly extensive for GoDaddy’s shared web hosting. And these are only some of the potentially available features. The company provides thousands of features and it will take you several hours to make your way through all of them on the website. 


GoDaddy’s pricing is in three ranges: Economy, Deluxe and Unlimited. The pricing changes frequently but it can be as low as $5/month for the Economy and $8.50/month for the Unlimited. The difference is in the space alloted — for Economy it’s currently 10GB and for Unlimited it’s as it says, unlimited! Additionally, you can get 100, 500 or 1000 email accounts depending on your service and 10, 25 and unlimited MySQL databases. In addition to the above, you also get Free Premium DNS, Site Scanner and an SSL Certificate with Fixed IP address. 


Clearly the best pro about GoDaddy shared hosting is how cheap their prices are. For buying a domain name and the initial hosting it is virtually just pennies. If you know how to use an FTP program to upload then you have the cheapest domain names. 


While GoDaddy has literally hundreds, if not thousands of options, it is difficult to navigate them all. Their user interface Plesk is not very intuitive so FTP users are at a clear advantage here. Additionally, you do have to real through all the fine print when you are setting up your domain as some features (such as automatic renewal) are not enabled by default, even though many people expect it. This has led to issues in the past where their domain name was locked and GoDaddy charged users a handling fee to recover it before it was auctioned off again.

123InkJets Review

123InkJets is one of the leading suppliers of ink cartridges and toner for just about every model of inkjet and laser printer on the market. Ink refills, inkjet cartridges, laser toners, toner refills and many different printing supplies are available at just a small fraction of the cost of the original manufacturers. Why can they do this for you? Manufacturers often say that they have proprietary technology and special quality care engineers to refill ink cartridges and toners, but the truth is just about anyone can do it who has the training. You can shop online at 123InkJets for anything you might need at home or in your business and you will be shipped the product you need within days. 

The business is rated A+ at the Better Business Bureau. 


123InkJets can provide a number of products for a huge range of companies, such as Apple, Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, Hewlett Packard (HP), IBM, Kodak, Konica-Minolta, Kyocera-Mita, Lexmark, NEC, Okidata, Panasonic, Pitney Bowes, Ricoh, Samsung, Sharp, Toshiba and Xerox. 

Don’t pay hundreds of dollars for a few ink toners or cartridges if you have several printers in your office, you can get them from much cheaper refurbished from 123InkJets. A lot of people think that an ink cartridge or toner is trash once it is empty, and that’s what the company would have you believe as well. But in fact, it’s very easy to refill and that’s why 123InkJets can afford to sell them so low. 

Shopping on 123InkJets is an easy 3 step process. Simply choose your printer brand, choose your printer family, choose your model and then press submit. If you have any questions you can call their customer service line. 


The pricing varies significantly depending on the product you need and the manufacturer it comes from. But generally, you will save about 50% off the retail price of a toner or cartridge and you will also be able to get other discounts for bulk purchases. Additionally, credit is given for recycled products you do not need any more. 


You can also recycle your old ink cartridges and toners. Send them in to get a discount on your next purchase. 

The biggest convenience is that you can order online and in bulk, for a much lower price than the original manufacturer. Also, it’s handy having all the toners and cartridges on one website as opposed to having to search all over the place to locate different products if you have a variety of printers in your office. 

No refunds given if packaging is opened. Be sure to check that you have received the right product in the mail so that you do not have to complain to customer service. 

Sometimes the quality of the ink is not as good as it could be, but overall the price for ordering from 123InkJets all the time is much cheaper than replacing your ink cartridges and toners from the original manufacturer.

100DayLoans Review

100DayLoans are a service that provides payday loans that can be paid back in a short, reasonable period of time. The loans are approved quickly online and you can get cash to your bank account in virtually minutes, allowing you to take advantage of quick money when you need it to cover for emergencies. Sometimes banks can take up to 2 weeks to decide whether they want to give you a loan or not and sometimes they end up refusing or declining anyway, so for unexpected emergencies such as car repairs, medical expenses, bills piling up, these payday loans are often a great solution. 


Easy and fast payday loans, and complete secure - All you do is fill out an online application, provide your information and then in just a few minutes you are verified and approved. 

Everything is automated - Your electronic signature guarantees your loan in minutes after you have read the terms and rates. Funds will be expedited directly to your bank account. 

Military-grade protection - Personal security protection and privacy guaranteed as 100DayLoans uses only the latest military-grade encryption in their security technology. 

No fax machine, no worries - There will be no faxing required as all verification is done online. 

Longer than 14 day loans - There is no standard time period for paying off loans with 100DayLoans. Most borrowers do it within 8-25 days as this is mostly used for emergencies just before payday arrives, but this is not a limit or cap. 

Loan extensions available - In case you do not have enough funds on your bank account when the lender sends a reminder email before the money is due, then you will be given the opportunity to extend the terms of the loan. 

Poor credit borrowers accepted - Even if you have bad credit, you can get approved for a loan on 100DayLoans. In the case of loans like this, only your income and personal information is used to verify your ability to pay the loan back. The credit history is not checked. 

Maximum of $1,000 loans for first-time users - Loans are provided up to $1000 for the first time and if you have a good experience with that loan then in future you may be allowed to borrow more.


The biggest advantage of the 100DayLoans and payday loans companies in general is that no matter how much of an emergency you have, you can get a loan within minutes or at least the next day. Sometimes through no fault of your own, you are suddenly responsible for a huge medical bill or an auto repair bill and you simply cannot get a loan from the bank fast enough to cover it. 

100DayLoans will allow you to get around this situation by requesting a short term loan that you can pay back as soon as you get your income again. When your income finally does come through, you can choose to pay the loan off completely or negotiate for an extension so that you do not lose all your money again. 


It is advertised as within a few minutes or an hour, but sometimes it happens that the loan actually arrives on the next business day. This is still better than the time it takes for money from the bank to come through though.

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