Verifikasi Paypal Secara Manual Menggunakan Copy KTP dan Buku Tabungan

Verifikasi Paypal Secara Manual Menggunakan Copy KTP dan Buku Tabungan mungkinkah?

Sejak akhir tahun 2010 (lupa tepatnya, halahhhhh...), Paypal mematikan fitur VERIFIKASI MENGGUNAKAN BANK LOKAL. Tentu ini menjadi angin segar bagi pedagang vcc. Namun, saya 'kapok' verifikasi pake VCC karena rawan limit. Tak luput, akun PP saya memang akhirnya bergelar 'LIMITED'. Setelah gogling beberapa hari, akhirnya saya menemukan cara tersebut. Hasilnya, hari ini akun Paypal saya udah VERIFIED.

Berikut jawaban dari Paypal ketika memverifikasi akun saya:

Hello ..........,

This is Kico from the PayPal Customer Service Team. I am very happy to
assist you.
Thank you for providing the necessary documents for account
verification. Your account is now Verified and the withdrawal limit on
your account is lifted.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us by
email or by phone.

Thank you again for choosing PayPal.



He he he terima kasih Kico......

Berikut ini cara saya melakukan Verifikasi Paypal Secara Manual Menggunakan Copy KTP dan Buku Tabungan. Yang mau bikin akun Paypal baru Daftar Di SINI atau klik gambar ini:

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

1. Saya bikin akun baru Paypal dengan email baru dan saya sambungkan ke rekening BRI

2. Saya kirim email ke Paypal ( ini emailnya meminta verifikasi manual ke Seperti ini redaksinya:


Dear admin.

I sent concern in verifying account.
Because it is so hard to verifying my account with credit card.
Please help me how to get verified without credit card.

Please Help Me To Get Verified Without Credit Card.

I have attached files with this email.

Thanks for your attention


nama saya


Bersama email tsb saya scan foto copy KTP hitam putih serta halaman depan buku tabungan BRI yang ada nama saya. 

3. Dapet balesan dari Paypal :

Hello  ..............,

I am Fiona from the PayPal Customer Caring Team. It was my pleasure to
help you today.
I have received your documents and sent request to manually verify your
PayPal account, please wait our colleague to process that for you. We
will turn back to you when your PayPal account verification process
completed. Usually it takes 1 business day for us to process that for
you. Thank you for your cooperation.

If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us by
email or by phone. Thanks again for choosing PayPal.



4. Sehari kemudian dapat email yang intinya ditolak. Ini dia:


Dear ...............,

Thank you for sending us the related documents for account verification.

We have reviewed the documents you provided carefully, but unfortunately
we can’t get your account verified based on the documents you provided
and our policy.

Thank you for your understanding.


PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company


5. Dalam keadaan belum terverifikasi, saya sudah melakukan beberapa transaksi online menggunakan akun baru saya ini.

6. Saya ulangi langkah no.2 ( pokoke ngeyel minta verifikasi manual), dengan menambahkan beberapa dokumen (saya kirim scan KTP color dan Kartu Pajak yang ada nama saya). Seperti ini redaksinya:

Dear admin.

I sent concern in verifying account.
Because it is so hard to verifying my account with credit card. I
don't have credit card.
Please help me how to get verified without credit card.

Please Help Me To Get Verified Without Credit Card.
I have attached files with this email. I hope those files are helpful.
And, if those files not enough to help me to get verified, let me
know. So, I'll send required files


6. Alhamdulillah, akhirnya dapat status VERIFIED.

Tunggu apalagi? Yang belum punya akun Paypal silakan Daftar melalui link referral saya, klik Daftar Paypal

atau klik gambar berikut:

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

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3 komentar :

  1. gan saya ga punya kartu pajak...
    saya udah kirim buku bank. depan blakang 2 sisi, ktp 2 sisi, sim 2 sisi. masih ditolak aja

  2. wahh gan senasip dengan saya saya contak paypal sampai lebih sepuluh kali tapi jawabanya tetep sama ditolak
    setelah baca ini mungkin ane kirim lagi ajjha dokument ane

  3. apa email yang memberitahukan bahwa paypal kita verified? atau soalnya ane msh bingung..pas bikin langsung di balas tp email na email tsb memberitahukan yg intinya d tolak


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